1999 National Education Seminar
Innovative Contracting: Practical Approaches

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NCMA San Gabriel Chapter is sponsoring their National Education Seminar for 1999 on the subject of the Innovative Contracting: Practical Approaches.

This will be an all day seminar, including lunch and refreshments, to be given on Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at the Wyndham Gardens Hotel - off of the I-210 freeway at Huntington Drive in Monrovia, California. The seminar is scheduled to begin registration at 7:30 a.m. and to conclude by 5:00 p.m.

Wyndham Gardens Hotel
700 West Huntington Drive
Monrovia, CA 91016
(818) 357-5211  / FAX (818) 357-2786

This year's National Education Seminar Speakers are still being determined.

This one-day seminar covers the important topics of commercial pricing and industry best practices which affect your present and future business processes and conduct with increasing impact on electronic contract administration and management.

Topics covered include (see Expanded Topic Index here):

Attendees will receive a comprehensive manual that is an excellent desk reference,  a resource book indicating references for all of the sources covered in the seminar, and a CD-ROM containing all of the manual and resource book material plus additional links and resources..

Fees are:  $145 for NCMA members, $195 for nonmembers. (Nonmembers may join NCMA with their registration or renewal for a discounted fee of $72.) You know you can always rely on NCMA to provide timely, high-quality, and fair-priced seminars.

(Please print the following form and mail or FAX to the address indicated.)
1999 National Education Seminar Registration Form and
NCMA Membership Application
(also available at: http://www.ncmahq.org/)

Send your completed form and payment (payable to NCMA) to:
 Attention: Mr. Bernie Webber, Dept. 1321/Bldg 059
 Aerojet-General Corporation
 1100 West Hollyvale Street
 P. O. Box 296
 Azusa, CA  91702-0296

 Voice/FAX:  626-812-1057(W) / 626-812-1835 (F)
 E-mail: bernie.webber@aerojet.com

 Please register me for the following 1999 NES session:

 Date:                        _____Wednesday, February 17, 1999 _______________
 Location:                  ______Wyndham Gardens Hotel, Monrovia, CA_______


 Name:             ______________________________________________
                        o CPCM           o CACM          o CPM
 Title:                ______________________________________________

 Organization:    ______________________________________________

 Address:          ______________________________________________

 City, ST, Zip:   ______________________________________________

 Daytime Phone:(with area code) ________________________________

 E-mail:           ______________________________________________

To aid in tailoring the seminar to each audience, please answer the following:

Your present background focus:
o   Government
o   Industry
o   Other ______________________________________________

No. of Years of contracting experience: __________

Your level of contracts expertise:
o Basic
o Intermediate
o Advanced
Other: ______________________________________________


For NCMA Members:
Registration  - Members, $145

NCMA Member Number (from mailing label):
NCMA Chapter Affiliation:

For Non-members:
o Registration - Non-members, $195


Enclosed is my payment for the full amount of (circle one):
$145 (member) $195 (non-member) $217 (new member)

 o A check #:_______________  (payable to NCMA)  is enclosed.

 o Purchase Order #: ______________________________________________

 o Charge the above amount to my: o Visa     o MC     o AMEX     o Diners Club     o IMPAC

 Account #: ______________________________________________ Exp. Date: _________

 Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________

 o Please check here if you require special accommodations in order to fully participate.

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