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Fellows are voted on by the National Board of Directors (NBOD) at regular meetings of the Board. Criteria include academic background, contributions to education, contributions to NCMA programs and conferences, service to NCMA through chapter and national offices, and status in the contracting community. (See COG G-09 for details.) Nominations are voted on at three different Board of Directors’ meetings throughout the year. Those selected are notified by mail.


The purpose of our Chapter’s Fellows Program is for Ray Yuen (Fellows Recruitment Chair) to solicit prospective Fellow candidates, assist members with their Fellow applications, and to nominate qualified for the Fellow Award. Once approved by the NBOD as Fellows, Ed Jasnow (Executive Vice President, Fellows Council) will work with the Fellows to advise, assist, counsel, guide and lead members of the Chapter and the Region.


The San Gabriel Valley Chapter solicits the following members as candidates for the Fellow Award, NCMA's third highest honor: • Past Chapter Presidents

• Current Chapter Officers and Board Members

• Holders of CPCM or CACM certificates

• Members with 20 years of membership

• Members with major contract management positions

• Members with noteworthy accomplishments

The assessment process is simple. Check the items on the Fellows Award Application "Simplified Worksheet" (click for form) for a cursory assessment of your earned points. If you have 10, but less than 14 points, complete the Biographical Sketch (click for form) and send it to Ray Yuen for an in-depth analysis. If you have 14 or more points, you are ready to be nomination by our Chapter. The nomination package will require pertinent documentation.
Ray Yuen, CPCM
Fellows Recruitment Chair
c/o Caltech
1200 E. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125
Ph: 626-395-6331, Fx: 626-577-5693